Saturday, 5 May 2018


Assalamualaikum and hello hello! 
we are back! 
today's topic will be.....JAPANESE RELIGION.
yes, we are talking about religion now because it is not fair for us to know only their place but not their religion. right?! yes. let's begin!

For centuries Japan has operated with a syncretic belief system: Shinto and Buddhist rituals coexisting side-by-side with increasing influence from other religions. This is why they say that in Japan, people are born Shinto, get married Christian and die Buddhist. so the main religion they have are Shinto and Buddhist.

Shintoism is Japan's indigenous spirituality. It is believed that every living thing in nature (e.g. trees, rocks, flowers, animals - even sounds) contains kami, or gods. As a general rule of thumb, shrines are Shinto.

Consequently Shinto principles can be seen throughout Japanese culture, where nature and the turning of the seasons are cherished. This is reflected in arts such asikebana (flower arranging) and bonsai, Japanese garden design and the annual celebration of sakura - or cherry blossom.

The Great Buddha at Kamakura

Buddhism originated in India in the 6th century BC. It consists of the teachings of the Buddha, Gautama Siddhartha. Of the main branches of Buddhism, it is the Mahayana or "Greater Vehicle" Buddhism which found its way to Japan.

Buddhism was imported to Japan via China and Korea in the form of a present from the friendly Korean kingdom of Kudara (Paikche) in the 6th century. While Buddhism was welcomed by the ruling nobles as Japan's new state religion, it did not initially spread among the common people due to its complex theories. There were a few initial conflicts with Shinto, Japan's native religion, but the two religions were soon able to co-exist and even complement each other.

so that is about it! i hope you learn something today.

Suraya, Farisha, Hani

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